sexta-feira, junho 30, 2006


O Google lançou um outro serviço interessante:
É o Google Checkout.

Veja um vídeo de como funciona nO Velho.

Contextual Design

Orkut + + FireFox = ?

Efêmera Ciência

"The genius of the scientific method, however, is that it accepts no permanent solution. Skepticism is its solvent, for every theory is imperfect. Scientific facts are meaningful precisely because they are ephemeral, because a new observation, a more honest observation, can always alter them."

Achado da Cecília meira.

Rivaldo Barboza

Traços e troços é o nome do Blog que o Designer e Ilustrador Rivaldo Barbosa colocou recentemente no ar.

Agora usando o WordPress.

quinta-feira, junho 29, 2006

Sud Mennucci vs. Rio de Janeiro

quarta-feira, junho 28, 2006

Mais batata frita e futebol


On Screen Design:
Comparando o que se coloca na tela da TV dos dois lados do Atlântico.

Ted Nelson


User Experience

Exclusão Digital...


What is...

O lado máquina do sistema

Morte nos arrecifes do Recife Antigo



Practical Usability Testing

Color filter

  • Colorblind Web Page Filter.
  • GrayBit is an online accessibility testing tool designed to visually convert any full-color web page into a grayscale rendition for the purpose of visually testing the page’s percieved contrast.

Research taxonomy

Interessante Paper sobre metodologias de pesquisa:

In How to select an appropriate research method in ergonomic studies? by Jarvinen is very insightful paper describing research methods that could be valuable in my work about HCI/CSCW.

Busca por Simplicidade


I have a bad feeling about this

Vista no Mac


PhotoShop e Ilustrações

terça-feira, junho 27, 2006


How to negotiate your salary

Standardista Table Sorting

Awareness and Interruptions

Controlling Interruptions:
Awareness Displays and Social Motivation for Coordination.



Lei de Moore que nada...


Desktop 3D

BumpTop™ Prototype:
Pushing the Desktop Metaphor with Physics, Piles and the Pen.

segunda-feira, junho 26, 2006


"...o mundo publicitário se nutre de uma verdadeira indústria de clones de músicas."

domingo, junho 25, 2006

do Faustao

sábado, junho 24, 2006

by Aaron Spelling

Fogo no mar



Don’t alter the widths or shapes or letters without cause

AI Visual Vocabulary

The Future of the Internet

Google e seus mistérios

Em Slow Motion


Vivo ou Morto?

Ever wanted to know if a famous person was Dead or Alive?

sexta-feira, junho 23, 2006

Synonym Rings

Synonym rings and authority files are simple tools that can bridge the gap between natural language and complex controlled vocabularies (taxonomies and thesauri) quite nicely.”


Trabalho Infantil

Play Bumps: Bring Clean Water to Rural Africcan Communities.

Sud Menucci

quinta-feira, junho 22, 2006


3 Reis.



"Pois é, o WikiMapia é um mashup entre o Wikipedia e o GoogleMap (na verdade, a impressão que dá é que ele usa a base de dados do GoogleEarth…)"
Via Pilger.


quarta-feira, junho 21, 2006


Guitar Player

Box.Net como Drive Virtual

Question Mark

International Philosophy

Ethical hacking

A university in Scotland has applied to start teaching students how to hack computers.

Google OS

Fine Typography

terça-feira, junho 20, 2006

Elma Chips e a Copa

Live CD



segunda-feira, junho 19, 2006

Uma imagem...

Washington Post

Aonde a vaca vai...

Grande questionamento...

No meio da Rua...

By Linda


Star Wars: Millennium Falcon?

Como se fosse uma cebola...

As camadas do Design: A camada do look and feel.


Sun e Ajax


Geek Speak

domingo, junho 18, 2006

Pérolas aos porcos

Shark Atack

sábado, junho 17, 2006


Comediantes predilétos

F1 Brasileira

Copersucar: A escuderia de Fórmula 1 brasileira.

How to

Fala sério...

Half-Life Guides

sexta-feira, junho 16, 2006


Hora de mudar (para um Mac)?

O que eles não gostam...

Banner Blindness

Think Map

Vindo de Froripa mano...

De mal a pior

Softs para Mac

  • iStumbler: Monitora a rede Wireless.
  • Widgets by Google: Blogger, GMail e Google History.
  • Right Click Upload to Flickr.
  • Flickr: Uploading Tools.
  • ChronoSync Mac backup utility backs up your data, emails you if something goes wrong and archives files you've deleted along with tons of other neat backup features.
  • Desktop Manager implement a easy to use virtual desktop manager for OS X.
  • Visual Paradigm for UML: is a powerful, cross-platform and yet the most easy-to-use visual UML modeling and CASE tool.
  • Business Process Visual ARCHITECT a full-featured business process modeler seriously supporting latest OMG’s Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN).
  • EarthDesk Replaces your static desktop picture with an image of the Earth showing current sun, moon, and city illumination.
  • TaskTime4: Tentando fazer o TimeSheat algo menos chato.
  • TimeLog a iCal integrated timer solution with an interface very similar to iTunes.
  • Piano Tuner: A 12-note chromatic scale strobe tuner application that utilizes audio input devices such as built-in microphone, line-in and iSight.
  • Lesson Planner Advanced: makes planning, preparing and delivering lessons in any subject child’s play.
  • Process: Brainstorm, organize, schedule, plan, coordinate, collaborate.
  • Synk: Software that synchronizes the contents of two directories, or backs up one directory to another.
  • Cyberduck: FTP and SFTP Browser for Mac OS X.
  • NetNewsWire, agregador de Feeds.
  • xSort is a card sorting application for Mac OS X developed to streamline the workflow of user experience professionals and social scientists.
  • Alguns editores de Código/Texto para Mac.
  • InerTrak is a time-tracking tool for designers, contract workers, lawyers, or anyone else who works on multiple projects on an hourly basis.
  • On The Job: Time Tracking Software.
  • Ecto Blogging Software (v 2.1): desktop blogging client for MacOSX and Windows.
  • Inspiration 8: Brainstorming tool shines inside and outside the classroom.
  • TextMate: O "editor perdido"!
  • Synergy lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers with different operating systems, each with its own display, without special hardware.
  • AntiRSI is a program for Mac OS X that helps prevent RSI (repetitive strain injury) and other computer related stress.
  • Monolingual is a program for removing unnecesary language resources from Mac OS X, in order to reclaim some of all that space it takes up.

quinta-feira, junho 15, 2006

Desenvolvendo Web no Mac

Muito boas dicas pra quem migra para o Apple e precisa trabalhar com Web:O Leonardo Farias escreveu.



"DreamWeaver É uma ferramenta que bitola o profissional. Se o profissional quer se libertar, necessariamente se livrará do DW."

Vista e Mac OS X

An Inside View From a Google Employee

Por dentro do Google:
“Google is very, very heavily liberal, and the liberal crowd tends to be heavily anti-smoking”.


Time Out

Perdendo de Vista



quarta-feira, junho 14, 2006

Derrubar as amarras


terça-feira, junho 13, 2006

Sem Hypes...

Só vendo...

A incredulidade de São Tomé.

Cala a boca Galvão

Haja coração:
Porque estamos no LIMITE EXTREMO da paciência.

domingo, junho 11, 2006

Rir faz bem!

Preescrição dos Doutores da Alegria.

Tudo no Pen Drive

sábado, junho 10, 2006



The end? Not! - Emigre

sexta-feira, junho 09, 2006


Contra o Hype

Stop Web 2.0: It's time to stop the hype and get back to business.

The API War


Plan59: The Museum (and gift shop) of mid-century illustration.

No Orktut dos outros...

Transformers Instruction Archive.

The most complete Transformers instruction archive online.

Rotulando com a emoção

Em papel

Prototipando com Papel: O caminho rápido e fácil para projetar e refinar interfaces.

Crises na DC Comics


quinta-feira, junho 08, 2006

IE6 no Mac

Indian Beatles


De grande utilidade



Google Browser Sync


quarta-feira, junho 07, 2006


Cores da estação passada

Mais um pouco de Web 2.0

Estética de um Hype?

De olho no legado

No Drama

terça-feira, junho 06, 2006

Donnie Darko

Google SpreadSheat


segunda-feira, junho 05, 2006


Tou de layout (pseudo) novo tem um tempo já...

Want Wi-fi?


Look and Feel Design Guidelines

Tango Icon Gallery


Depois da Copa

Keep the Faith

domingo, junho 04, 2006

Information retrieval

Sinais e Pictogramas

Swank Signs: Dedicate to the art of mocking public works.


sexta-feira, junho 02, 2006


Position is Everything

Coisa de Profiça


Windows Vista


Dor na Vista

quinta-feira, junho 01, 2006





Lado B


Adobe, GoLive e FreeHand
