Na fita e na Taba
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New Apple Patent Applications - User interface for Apple Tablet.
Gestures for touch sensitive input devices- looks very much like a GUI for a tablet with a touch sensitive screen. Clearly, there are lots of example of prior art but Apple has put a lot of thought into this and hopefully it is a glimpse of a future product.
JazzMutant's Lemur is an innovative input device to control computer real-time applications.
It combines a distinctive industrial design, a brilliant modular graphic interface concept, and a unique and patented touchscreen technology that can track multiple fingers simultaneously.
Na ArqHP - depois de linkar sobre os 8 sabores do Windows Vista - perguntaram qual o HardWare mínimo para rodar o Windows Vista.
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Cascading Style Sheets
By Håkon Wium Lie
"Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor Philosophiœ Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences University of Oslo Norway 2005."
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